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Normally you see just bars on your iPhone to indicate signal strength ... well, it's a pretty rough (and unreliable) scale when you're testing signal strength.
You can however see your signal in dB (and a LOT more info) when you're going in to field test mode.
On your phone dial the following number (enter the number and press "Call"):
Your screen will change and show a lot of additional cell info. "PDP Context Info" for example (under one of the numbers) shows your IPv4 IP address for the cellphone data network. Cool beans!
The usual bars (upper left corner) now show signal strength. If you ignore the minus: the lower the number, the better your reception.
If you leave the "Field Test" application, you'll be seeing your regular bars again.
1) Go to the Field Test app as described above. 2) In the Field Test app, press the power button unti your iPhone asks if you'd like to power down - do not power down. 3) Press the "Home" button and keep it pressed until the Field Test app shows again.
You can undo this by going back into the Field Test app and simply exit the app again and your bars will be back.
Caution: the "Find My iPhone" feature needs to be enabled on your phone to make this work. From what I read on the Apple website: "The Find My or Find My iPhone app is installed on every iPhone and iPad by default, and you can also access the feature through the iCloud website.". So this should work, unless you intentionally disabled this option on your phone at some point in time.
Kubuntu Kubuntu is a Ubuntu variant that use KDE as it's desktop manager. Fast and well supported.
MalwareBytes Probably one of the best tools to prevent and remove all kinds of malware and viruses on Windows and MacOS X.
OpenElec The ultimate XBMC distribution. No operating system required, comes completely in a compact form with Embedded Linux, for Intel, AMD, AppleTV, Raspberry Pi, etc.
Frizting Free tool to design schematics and PCB's - they even offer a very affordable PCB production service.
Ubuntu Ubuntu is probably one of the most used Linux distro's out there. Very well supported and a great Linux distro
ViMediaManager ViMediaManager is a media manager for Mac OS X, allowing you to gather, store, and manage information, extra art, trailers and television tunes for your movie, television etc for use with for example XBMC.
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New Downloads
ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-x86-64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3.5 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Intel version which works on Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.
ConnectMeNow4-v4.0.18-macOS-arm64.dmgDate: 2024-04-24 - Size: 3 MBVersion 4 of ConnectMeNow - A tool for more convenient mounting of network shares under macOS. This is the Apple Silicon version (not suitable for Intel).
MiniWOL2 MacOS (64 bits Apple Silicon)Date: 2023-08-01 - Size: 1.2 MBminiWol is a simple, but effective application to send Wake On LAN to network devices. This is the signed 64 bit MacOS ARM (Apple Silicon) version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.3-Windows-32bit-setup.exeDate: 2023-04-12 - Size: 18.6 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 32 bit Windows version.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-GTK-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.2 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for GTK.
MovieScanner2-2.2.2-Linux-QT5-64bits.tar.gzDate: 2023-04-11 - Size: 29.1 MBA small application that uses FFProbe to scan your video files and logs these details in a small database. This is the 64 bit Linux version for QT5.
Downloads Page Find these and more Downloads on the Downloads Page, where you will also find articles references, operating system requirements and categories.
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