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[Solved] Lazarus Pascal - MacOS Big Sur - [FPCUPdeluxe] pp.pas(280,36) Error while linking

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Famed Member Admin
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When building FPC/Lazarus with FPCUPdeluxe

under macOS Big Sur you may get the error:

An error occurred while linking
pp.pas(280,36) Error: Error while linking
pp.pas(280,36) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping

Based on a message in fpc-devel mailing list (link) I found this option to be working when added as an FPC option under "Setup+".


I honestly do not know if there will be implications for older macOS version, just thought I'd mention it here as it may be helpful for other.

Famed Member Admin
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Note: all this assuming you have installed the XCode commandline tools of course! (Terminal: xcode-select --install)

(which you may need to do again after updating XCode - running XCode itself may already resolve this automatically)
