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[Solved] Lazarus - MacOS X - How to detect "Dark" theme on your Mac
Delphi, Lazarus, Free Pascal
Famed Member Admin
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 2822
Topic starter
September 11, 2015 9:34 PM
Some people like to use the so called "Dark theme" on their Mac ("System Preferences" -> "General" -> Check "Use dark menu bar and dock"), which comes with a nice look ...
Sometimes you'd like to be able to detect if this dark theme has been enabled, for example to select a suitable icon in TTrayIcon.
With a little trick I've managed to get that going.
Add "Process" to your Uses clause.
This function returns TRUE when the Dark Theme has been enabled, or FALSE when it's the default theme.
function TForm1.DetectDarkTheme:boolean;
var s:ansistring;