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[Solved] unable to unmount SMB

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I have an hard drive on windows 10 shared in my local network, which I can connect (SMB) from finder (alt+k etc.) on my MacBook Air M1 (ventura 13.5.1)

so I set up everything in ConnectMeNow and launched test mount and it seems to work (despite the button doesn't get grey) according to the log (mount successful) and the finder (on the desktop appear the drive icon)

On side note the "reveal in finder" option (checked or unchecked) seems to have no effect (but maybe I've misinterpreted how it works)

The problem is that "test unmount" button remain grey (so I cannot test the unmount), so I've tried to actually mount the drive from ConnectMeNow interface then trying to unmount it from "unmount all" option

nothing happen and the log says "no shares were mounted" despite the icon is still on desktop and can be opened with finder

the only option I have to unmount is with finder (just moving it to trash bin still works)

Any suggestion?

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Hi Kenzokabuto,

that sounds like a potential bug ... what version of ConnectMeNow are you using?

Furthermore: what does you share definition look like (including the advanced options) and what does the mount output in Terminal look like (eg. run "mount" in Terminal) - jut so we can compare? (feel free to mask username/password if visible)

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I'm not so skilled in command line command, what should I do? 😳 

still, I noticed that trying rebooting has changed the behaviour (after many tries even finder hanged with samba)

after reboot I identified this error in log

│ - LOGIN: Username and Password known - User login with hidden window
│ URL: smb://
│ Mount directory: macOS will mount against a mount directory in "/Volumes"
│ - Error - Mount failed (Error code: 412)

This post was modified 1 year ago by Anonymous

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No problem 😊 

So first you open the "Terminal" application. You can find it under Applications -> Utilities on your Mac.
There you type commmand "mount" (without the quotes) and it will give you an output of mounted disks and shares.

Something like this (sorry for not having a network example, since I have not network access as I'm traveling):

~ $ mount 
/dev/disk3s3s1 on / (apfs, sealed, local, read-only, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s6 on /System/Volumes/VM (apfs, local, noexec, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s4 on /System/Volumes/Preboot (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s2 on /System/Volumes/Update (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk2s2 on /System/Volumes/xarts (apfs, local, noexec, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
/dev/disk2s1 on /System/Volumes/iSCPreboot (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk2s3 on /System/Volumes/Hardware (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s1 on /System/Volumes/Data (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse, protect)
map auto_home on /System/Volumes/Data/home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
/dev/disk1s1 on /System/Volumes/Update/SFR/mnt1 (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s3 on /System/Volumes/Update/mnt1 (apfs, sealed, local, journaled, nobrowse)
~ $

You can select the text and paste it into a message. To get it nicely formatted I use the "<>" button here in the forum, which will open a window in which you can paste it.

Note: if you recognize a username or password in the text, then feel free to replace them with other text (eg. "username" and "password"). You should not see passwords, but it may happen.


The error message could mean that username and/or password are a problem.
I've seen this with typos in username/password, but more often when usernames or passwords use certain special characters.

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I'm not so skilled in command line command, what should I do? 😳 

still, I noticed that trying rebooting has changed the behaviour (after many tries even finder hanged with samba)

after reboot I identified this error in log

│ - LOGIN: Username and Password known - User login with hidden window
│ URL: smb://
│ Mount directory: macOS will mount against a mount directory in "/Volumes"
│ - Error - Mount failed (Error code: 412)

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using connectmenow v4.0.10

the target folders are on windows 10 and on mycloud home (a piece of junk wd pretend being a nas)

I set ad hoc a typo proof username/pwd

still got same result

BTW this is what you asked


/dev/disk3s1s1 on / (apfs, sealed, local, read-only, journaled)

devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)

/dev/disk3s6 on /System/Volumes/VM (apfs, local, noexec, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)

/dev/disk3s2 on /System/Volumes/Preboot (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)

/dev/disk3s4 on /System/Volumes/Update (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)

/dev/disk1s2 on /System/Volumes/xarts (apfs, local, noexec, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)

/dev/disk1s1 on /System/Volumes/iSCPreboot (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)

/dev/disk1s3 on /System/Volumes/Hardware (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)

/dev/disk3s5 on /System/Volumes/Data (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse, protect)

map auto_home on /System/Volumes/Data/home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)

//xxxx:@ on /Volumes/Public (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, noowners, mounted by xxxxxx)

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Posted by: @Anonymous
... mycloud home (a piece of junk wd pretend being a nas)

🤣 I know what you mean haha ... but hey, if it works, it'll do for now right? 😊 

For the record, I used to have one from WD ... way back when.

Back to your question;

Did you enter the server as or

The reason I'm asking:
CMN will search in the mount info for a server, username and path.
So if one of these is off or spelled differently then it cannot identify it correctly.


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.2 is the windows server 

tks, it helped me understanding, for some odd reason they got mounted only if declared with name (not with ip address)

still I cannot unmount anything

this is cmn log

22:46:08 │ - Max Attempts  = 1
         │   Attempts Left = -1
         │   Last Attempt  = n/a
22:46:08 │ - Doing default short mount delay (1 second)
22:46:10 │ - Starting mount background task
22:46:10 │ - RETRY MOUNT TIMER: Started 1 minute timer for remount attempts
22:46:10 │ - Enabled timer for potential extra mount attempts
22:46:10 │ - Thread started

22:46:11 │ Mount status update:
         │ Mount/Open Networkshare feedback (SystemDefault): 
         │ Mount attempt with Calling Apple NetFS API:
         │ - LOGIN: Username and Password known - User login with hidden window
         │   URL: smb://alpha-r2/Backup
         │   Mount directory: macOS will mount against a mount directory in "/Volumes"
         │ - Mount succesfull - API did not return an Error code, wait for confirmation

22:46:11 │ Thread - Calling for forced status update (only shows results if something changed)

22:46:11 │ System Mount Callback: "/Volumes/Backup"

22:46:11 │ Thread - Calling for forced status update (only shows results if something changed)

22:46:11 │ -- STATUS UPDATE - THREAD CALLBACK ------------------------------------------------
22:46:11 │ Update type
         │  - Initial read     : -
         │  - Timed Interval   : -
         │  - Get Network info : -
         │  - Forced Update    : YES
         │ Status Interval     : 10000 milliseconds
         │ Interval Interrupts : 500 milliseconds
         │ Failed mount after  : 30000 milliseconds
         │ Default gateway     : (MAC: xxxxxxxxx)
22:46:11 │ - Mount Status Updated: Counted 1 active share(s)
22:46:11 │ - Matched 0 Network shares. (1 unknown)
22:46:11 │ 
         │ -- STATUS UPDATE - COMPLETED ------------------------------------------------------
22:46:11 │ - RETRY MOUNT TIMER: Stopping timer
22:46:11 │ - RETRY MOUNT TIMER: Quiting, nothing left to retry, and no Fallback servers left either
22:46:11 │ - Updating "Mount onAppear" list
22:46:11 │ - Updating "Mount onAppear" list

22:46:11 │ Updating Tray Menu

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That is odd indeed haha ... I avoid using names since in my experience IP addresses are much more reliable.
Thanks for the log, at first glance I do not see anything odd - except where it says

22:46:11 │ - Mount Status Updated: Counted 1 active share(s)
22:46:11 │ - Matched 0 Network shares. (1 unknown)

Obviously 1 unknown is not correct, and it does mean that CMN was not able to match the "mount" information with your server definition. Which explains why you cannot unmount, but it's not getting us any further ...

You could peek in the "tools" options that can be found in the log window.
For example some of the functions under "Tools" (button) -> "List Share details" (eg. "Selected Share in Preferences Window") and "Terminal Tools" (eg. "Show mount output").

We would need to find out the differences between the share definition details and the output from mount.
As mentioned before: server address, server path, mount path (/Volumes or any other path), username and password (typically the latter shouldn't show).

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I'm having the same issue too. How do I fix?

Also other bugs I'm experiencing are on boot, only 4 out of 5 of my shares load. One always seems to not load. Weirdly, if I use the execute network change menu item, they all load fine.


Also, the shares fail to re-mount when waking from a longer sleep.



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Hi markwestcott,

Missing a mount, could be because it goes too fast, or better said: your mac isn't ready to connect just yet. "Execute network change" only triggers a network change and tries to mount the shares. By that time though, your Mac may have already caught up with reality and is now actually able to mount.
You can try this by disabling ConnectMeNow from starting when your Mac starts.
Then reboot your Mac, wait a little bit, and start ConnectMeNow. Does it now mount all 5?
If yes, then consider setting a value for "Mount Delay" (for each share, under "Advanced Options").
This should delay the mount a few seconds and give your Mac (or network) some time to catch up.
The failure to re-mount after waking up may point to the same issue.

Let us know if this worked! 😊 

Being unable to unmount some share is typically related to macOS still having one ore the other file open (eg. locked). I assume you mean this with the "having the same issue"? (original topic).

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@hans thanks for this! I will look into delays, as you're right, I think the system got caught (wasn't ready) before CMN could sync the pings and load the mounts. I don't need them now though, as I have since removed a slow login item and moved CMN to the top of the list login list, and it doesn't miss any mounts now. My guess was that program was slowing the processes all down but will add delays should it happen again.


As to the un-mounting the share, I'm still not able to do that. None of my mounted shares eject through the program but will do so just fine in the finder. I don't have any files open. Could you help me figure this out please? What would you need from me to do this?



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Worth a try:

1) See what the output of "mount" is in Terminal. Possible something like this;

$ mount                                                                                                         17:15
/dev/disk2s3s1 on / (apfs, sealed, local, read-only, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
/dev/disk2s6 on /System/Volumes/VM (apfs, local, noexec, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
//username@ on /Volumes/SomeShare (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by hans)

2) Try unmounting with 

umount /Volumes/SomeShare

Pay attention to the spelling, as it's "umount" and not "unmount" and /Volumes/SomeShare would be the mount path of your share.

See if that works. Very likely this will not work either. If that is the case, then something keeps the share locked. 

You could try (and I'll admit that  haven't really used this appraoch before) checking for open files with:

lsof | grep "/Volumes/SomeShare"

 (obviously again /Volumes/SomeShare would be the mount path of your share)

Let me know what your findings are 😊 

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Hey Hans,


Mount got similar outputs.


umount was able to unmount volumes/shares fine. It's from the Menu bar of MacOS Ventura that "Unmount All" inside Tools, which won't unmount any share.

list open files command is not showing any open files.


I wonder what it could be... Thoughts?

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